
  • 28 Feb 2022 12:54 PM | Anonymous member

    Tulsa’s Young Professionals recently launched a new crew: the Tech Crew.

    Guided by co-leaders Anita Ly and Jonah Sloup, the Tech Crew’s mission is to influence growth and innovation while leveraging shifts in technology to unleash the potential of individuals and ecosystems in Tulsa.

    Read full article here.

    By Morgan Phillips

  • 14 Jun 2021 12:58 PM | Anonymous member

    I-244's detrimental impacts on the Greenwood District have become a topic of discussion.

    A report recently identified the highway built through the heart of Greenwood the 1970s as one of several across the U.S. to tear down, and the Tulsa’s Young Professionals Urbanist Crew has now put forth a proposal on how to do that.

    Cody Brandt with the TYPros Urbanist Crew gave a presenation last week on the proposal, which says a tunnel approach would be too expensive. In Dallas and Seattle, projects to move highways underground cost $440 million and $1.9 billion per mile. Brandt said a highways to boulevards approach could work, though.

    Read full article here. 

    By Matt Trotter

  • 2 Jun 2021 1:03 PM | Anonymous member

    TULSA, Oklahoma - New signs have been placed along the Midland Valley Trail in Tulsa to help honor and preserve Native American history specific to the area.

    The ceremony was full of tradition and significance and former Muscogee Nation Chief James Floyd was at the event to give remarks.

    "It is great that we have these types of ceremonies, and we do this type of recognition so that we never forget our presence and our influence here," said Floyd, "This is the old Midland Valley Railroad...You are within the Muscogee Creek Reservation."

    The project was funded by the Tulsa Young Professionals (TYPROS) and member Aaron Griffith came up with the idea. Griffith says he is a Muscogee citizen and was inspired by another TYPROS project.

    Read full article here. 

    By Sawyer Buccy

  • 1 Mar 2021 1:01 PM | Anonymous member

    Aba Hammond, Tulsa’s Young Professionals (TYPROS) chair-elect, is beginning her three-year commitment as a TYPROS leader. She will be chairwoman in 2022, but the work begins now. 

    Why did you get involved with TYPROS? When I first joined TYPROS (in 2015), I would go to events and walk out in like, 10 minutes because it was just too many people. The introvert in me was just over it. And I would take myself to my car. I think a third time I did that, Andrew Witter, he was (a) crew leader at that time … took me to introduce me to other people, and that’s one of the things that got me to stay and foster relationships, partake in initiatives, lead initiatives and grow from there.

    Read full article here. 

    By Blayklee Freed

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